assisting in worship

Our worship is the work of the people, priest and congregation working together to offer our praise and thanksgiving to the creator of all.  At St. Paul's we celebrate the many woman and men who offer their gifts in service weekly to create a warm, welcoming and beautiful worship experience.

  • Altar Guild

    The ministry of the Altar Guild is a ministry of hospitality both human and divine. The Altar Guild sets the physical environment for worship which is welcoming not only to human worshippers, but to God as well. The Altar Guild sets out vestments, altar linens, flowers, Eucharistic vessels, and sacramental supplies for every service. They host at weddings and funerals. The Altar Guild adds to the beauty and grace of our worship. The Altar Guild Director is Angela Miller. For more information please contact The Rev. Kay Sylvester through the Parish Office at 714-544-3141.

  • Acolytes

    Acolytes are an ancient order in the Church. They light the candles before worship, carry the cross and torches in processions, accompany the reading of the Gospel, assist the priest in setting the table, use incense for special services, and other miscellaneous duties in the worship services. Serving as an acolyte allows our young people to participate in a rich and meaningful way in our worship and to learn hands-on about our tradition. Adults also find this to be a meaningful service role. At Saint Paul's, children age 8 and over and adults are welcome to join the ministry of Acolytes. Our acolytes are scheduled and trained by Paula and Rich Malone. Contact the church office if you are interested at: 714-544-3141 (

  • Ushers

    Hospitality is a key component of Biblical faith. The St. Paul's Usher Teams provide one of the first greetings every worshipper - regular, guest or visitor - receives as they enter the church. Ushers distribute bulletins, help people find seating, receive the offering, and guide people to Communion. This is a great role for friendly folks! Ushers are generally scheduled to serve once a month. If you are interested in serving as an usher, please contact the church office ( 

  • Lay Eucharistic Ministers

    Lay Eucharistic Ministers have two roles: at Sunday worship, they assist in the serving of Communion, and read the prayers. Their other role is to take Communion to those unable to be in worship. The rector offers training for both roles. Anyone representing the church is required by the diocese to undergo Sexual Misconduct Prevention training, which is offered online. Please contact the rector in the church office if you are interested in serving as a Eucharistic Minister at 714-544-3141.

  • Readers

    Readings from Scripture are part of every worship service, and readers – or “lectors” – are trained to read aloud carefully, with attention to presenting the lessons in a meaningful way. St. Paul’s readings may also include poetry or other readings from outside Scripture. Lectors receive training in our worship space, and are given help with pronunciation of Biblical names. If you are interested in serving in this capacity, please contact the parish office at 714-544-3141. 


    St. Paul's is proud of its welcome to absolutely everyone. For a newcomer, it's critical to hear, see, and feel the welcome before ever entering the sanctuary, and our Welcome Team welcomes you if you want to be part of sharing the hospitality of this warm community. Please contact Cristina Flores at 714-544-3141, or, to become part of this important team of ministers.