come and see this inclusive and loving community of faith

We're glad you're here! 

As we say every week when it's time for Communion,

 "No matter who you are, or how you came to be here, this table is for you."

This community offers welcome and warmth to everyone,

because that's what God does for us. Come and see.

Sign up for our Email & Weekly Update Here

Parish Office Hours:  Monday - Thursday, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

  • Each week we seek to glorify God in liturgies that move the heart and challenge the mind. We have made careful choices in our language so that our worship includes expansive imagery for God. We are both reverent and joyful, with traditional and contemporary elements in the liturgy. Our music includes a wide range of styles, accompanied by organ, piano, band, and strings. We love our traditions, and we are making some new ones that help us to encounter God anew. 

    Regular Worship Schedule

                       Saturday -  5:00 p.m.  Holy Eucharist

                                                                   Taize Worship on the first Saturday of each month

                         Sunday -  10:15 a.m.  Holy Eucharist

                                         10:15 a.m.  Church School 


            Monday thru Friday - 8:00 a.m.  Morning Prayer on Facebook Live

  • If you’re looking for a welcoming congregation or wondering what that Episcopal church down on Wass Street in Tustin is all about, you’ve come to the right spot. Whoever you are, whatever your background, we’re glad you’re visiting us here. Please join us for worship and meet us in person. No one’s a stranger for long at St. Paul’s! 

    We are a progressive and affirming community and whether you’re curious or confirmed, wandering or wondering, all are welcome here in their journey of faith.

    We are part of something larger, too. We are a parish of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles, which in turn is part of the Episcopal Church, an international province of the worldwide Anglican Communion. We have family everywhere!

  • When was the last time you ate homemade potato salad under shady trees on a big old church lawn? Ever tried your hand at potato racing? Looking for a book group or craft guild? An open-minded, thoughtful Bible study? Yes, we worship and pray together, but we also love to just get together. We're always finding new ways to gather for conversation, fun, music, service, study, fellowship and - of course - food! It's more than just fun, of course; it's community. All are welcome here. 

morning prayer & Sunday Supper

(Click on the links below)

Morning Prayer (Bulletin)

Monday - Friday at 8:00 am

on Facebook Live Here


St. Paul's Facebook Page




Worship for The season of CREATION

Recorded October 6, 2024